Korpo Sea Jazz and Åland Sea Jazz postponed to 2021
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic causes changes in public events and how they are to be organized. Archipelago Sea Jazz has decided to fully postpone its four-festival series to the year 2021. We previously announced how Baltic Jazz and Turku Sea Jazz had been postponed, but final decisions have been made regarding Korpo Sea Jazz and Åland Sea Jazz as well.
Health, safety and responsibility are at the forefront when we organize Archipelago Sea Jazz. Government policies regarding summer events – such as halving the number of attendees and maintaining a safe distance – necessitate thorough planning and self-monitoring. After careful consideration the production team behind Archipelago Sea Jazz in conjunction with its associations’ board members has decided to postpone all four of its events to 2021. The production team feels that the intimate jazz atmosphere they hope to provide for the festival’s attendees would fundamentally differ from planned. Halving the number of attendees would also mean economic hardships, and as such would make it hard to bring international artists to any of the festivals. Other events, such as the Korpo Sea Jazz sibling festival Sibelius in Korpo, have been cancelled as well.
Bosse Mellberg of Korpo Sea Jazz laments the fact, especially when it comes to the livelihood of musicians:
“Planning-wise, everything had been concluded in February, so throughout the spring we’ve just waited for updates on government policies. Even though postponing the festival upsets us, personally the livelihood of musicians is uppermost in my mind. Canceling festivals around the archipelago will also mean a major loss in revenue for many of the local entrepreneurs”.
However, work among jazz is not paused, as the Archipelago Sea Jazz production team is already planning a diverse array of jazz experiences for this summer, autumn and the upcoming year.
“I’m not fully discouraged”, Mellberg says. “We’ve got to provide jazz in one way or another for our regular visitors in July”.
Jazzsinger Kadi Vija will continue as the artistic director of Korpo Sea Jazz in 2021 and the festival program is intended to be similar. This year’s tickets cannot be used for Korpo Sea Jazz in 2021. Refunds are applicable until the end of August. Tiketti will contact everyone who has left their contact information with their order. Korpo Sea Jazz will be held in 21–25th of July 2021 and Åland Sea Jazz’s tentative date is 6–7th of August 2021.
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